Supporting the Primary Health Care Foundation
You can support the work of the Primary Health Care Foundation. By doing so, you will contribute towards sustainably strengthening the important profession of the family physician in our society and ensuring the continued existence of patient-oriented family medicine.
There are a number of ways in which you can support the Foundation:
- By making a donation you will increase current financial resources and promote the timely fulfillment of planned projects.
- As a co-founder, you will increase the Foundation’s core capital and help ensure that our long-term objectives can be met.
Bank details
The Primary Health Care Foundation
Sparkasse Jena
Kto.: 180 296 55 BLZ: 830 530 30
IBAN: DE73 8305 3030 0018 0296 55
Steuer-Nr.: 162 / 142 / 09741 (Finanzamt Jena)